The Immigrant Archive Project is the nation’s leading oral history project on the
modern immigrant experience. Our mission is to record, archive and share the
stories of immigrants in the United States in order to help us understand the
modern immigrant experience and its vital contributions to American society.
Our growing archive will ensure that the faces and voices of immigrants are seen
and heard, not only collectively, but individually. And in doing so will teach us to
understand the immigrant in fundamentally human and moral terms.
The Immigrant Archive Project is an independently funded 501 © (3) organization.

The Immigrant Archive Project is a national initiative dedicated to preserving the life stories of America’s vast multicultural immigrant community. Our visual history testimonies illustrate the struggles, dreams and accomplishments of immigrants so that current and future generations may learn from their collective experiences.
Since our launch in 2008, Immigrant Archive Project production teams, led by IAP Founder Tony Hernandez, have documented the stories of over 3,000 immigrants from countries around the world. These are real, unscripted stories of men, women and children who have sacrificed to become American by choice.
Most recently, the U.S. Library of Congress has begun to archive our work in the Handbook of Latin American Studies Web Archive, part of a larger collection of historically and culturally significant websites that the library has designated for preservation.
As a Cuban political refugee, Mr. Hernandez is well aware of the contributions made and challenges faced by immigrants in the United States. In 2008, he saw a need to humanize the polarized issue of immigration through sharing stories that open hearts and minds by highlighting our shared humanity.
Since our project’s creation, Mr. Hernandez has had the opportunity to meet face to face with thousands of immigrants from all walks of life and through in depth, on camera conversations, found a common thread among immigrants who share their stories. Regardless of where they are born, the great majority are hardworking people with a burning desire to succeed and provide for their families. They truly embody the American spirit, and collectively, theirs is a quintessentially American story.
The content of the Immigrant Archive Project is shared via television, social media and the web. A number of IAP stories are housed at the University of Miami’s Cuban Heritage Collection. Additionally, IAP testimonies are incorporated into lesson plans in grade schools, high schools and colleges across the country. The Immigrant Archive Project received its federal non-profit classification in March 2017 and is now accepting donations to support its work.
Tony Hernandez
Tony Hernandez is co-founder, President and CEO of Latino Broadcasting Company (LBC), a leading multimedia content provider specializing in Latino targeted programming.
Prior to co-founding LBC in 1996, Tony was Vice President and General Manager of ESPN Latin America, where he oversaw the cable network’s operation in the region. Prior to joining ESPN, Mr. Hernandez was Sales Manager at CBS Americas, a division of CBS Radio Networks.
Mr. Hernandez is a recipient of the National Media Coalition’s Indomitable Spirit Award, the Lexus Pursuit of Perfection Award, as well as the Church World Service John Backer Award for outstanding advocacy on behalf of immigrants and refugees. Tony is a 1984 graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Superior.